Institution Settings: Self Enrolment & ID Formats

Institution Managers can set parameters around participant enrolment.  These include the ID format, how participants are asked to identify themselves, and also whether or not facilitators can permit participants to self-enrol into groups.

These "Activity Access" settings are found through the Xorro Profile Menu, by selecting Xorro-Q Institution Settings and scrolling to the lower half of the form.  

Address the following four items:

"Allow Self Enrolment"  - selecting this enables Facilitators to permit participants to self-enrol in groups;

"ID Format" - This is the format which can be used by participants to identify themselves.  Choose between no restriction (ie alphanumeric), numeric, or email.

"Use Identification Format for all participant logins" - Selecting this forces all of your participants to use only the ID format you have specified.  This can be advantageous especially for mobile users as it targets the type of keyboard delivered.  remember however that it applies to all cases.

"ID label" - choose the text to appear immediately to the left of the participants' ID entry field.  For example: "Enter your Student ID", or "Choose your unique Nickname" or "Enter your Email".


How participants identify themselves is of obvious concern to your institution:

- They need to identify themselves uniquely, and

- You would prefer that their ID is utilised across multiple contexts so that you can analyse user results and patterns

However, the priority placed on the above differs from one institution to another.  Also, practicalities around enrolling new (previously unknown) users may make some approaches more viable.  For example:

- You might require your self-enrolling participants to use an ID which you provide (eg a learner ID)

- You might prefer them to use their email

- You might ambivalent about how they identify themselves, just so long as it uniquely identifies them.

The above settings permit flexibility accommodate all needs. 


Categories: Xorro-Q, Admin / IT.