Solutions to Engage & Involve your Audience

About Xorro

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At Xorro, we believe strongly that the best learning results from personal experience.  No amount of listening and observing can equal the benefits to a learner of attempting to interpret and apply new information.[/h_content]

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The immediate social context is a strong driver for learning.  Lifting participation in your class or audience will lift engagement and retention.  Xorro’s solutions make participating in your activities safe and motivational to every member of your audience.[/h_content]

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Xorro helps educators and presenters to engage the largest audiences with ease.  By lifting participation, your message will be understood more deeply, and remembered.  Leveraging so many minds at once opens new opportunities.[/h_content]


Xorro’s solutions enable a learner experience which is

more engaging,

more personally relevant, and

much more motivating.