How can I..... Prepare an activity (such as a quiz or a game) to run later

A: Log in to your QF site (  Go to the activities tab, and create a new activity.  You might want to prepare a Real-Time activity in preparation for a future session, or else prepare an activity which participants can access in their own time and at their own pace (a "Self-Paced Activity).  In either case:

1. Browse to the Facilitator web site:  Login using your Xorro-Q login and password;

2. Select "Activities" tab;

3. Create a new activity, and complete the form:

  • Choose between "Real-Time" and "Self-Paced" activities;
  • Either specify the "Login Type" and "Group" for this Activity, or else leave this open (as it can be specified later when launching the Activity).

4. Add questions to suit.

5. In the case of a Self-Paced Activity, when launching you will need to specify the date and time of starting and ending the activity (defaults use the current date and time to start).

Categories: Xorro-Q.