A: Download and install Q-Launcher, and use it to start an activity and ask "Instant Questions."
1. Download the Q-Launcher desktop toolbar from http://qf.xorro.com/pages/xorroq_launcher, and install this (versions are available for either Windows or Mac OS).
2. At the start of class, double-click the Launcher icon (Fox) and login as a Facilitator. Choose the Group (if you have created one – if not, just accept the default settings), and press "Start".
3. Click on the Fox at the top of the toolbar, to collapse the toolbar to a tile; drag the tile to a convenient location on your desktop for later access. Start your presentation.
4. Whenever you want to ask a question of your audience, just click on the Fox tile to expand the toolbar, and select the question type (multi-choice or text response).
Categories: Xorro-Q.