Enabling students to create activities

Having students create useful questions for their peers is an excellent learning activity.  Xorro-Q supports this function perfectly.  However, it is essential that your students not be set up as facilitators in your institution, since that would then enable them to see data normally reserved for instructors.  Instead, you should set up a new institution account for this exercise, and then add them as facilitators.  It's a simple and quick process to do this....

1. Setting up the new institution account in Xorro-Q

To avoid being automatically logged into your own account in Xorro-Q, you will need to use either incognito mode on your browser, or else use a different browser altogether, while following the steps below.

Go to https://www.xorro.com/free_accounts/new to create the new account.  For the user name use your first and last name, but you must use a different email address and a different user name to those used on your normal institution login.  For the Organisation name, you should enter a name which is unique and easily identifiable as related to this exercise.  Take care not to enter a name which is easily confused with your own institution name.  Press "Register" to complerte the process.

You now have created a new Free Facilitator account for yourself, as institution manager for a new institution account in Xorro-Q. 

Browse to https://qf.xorro.com to login to your new Facilitator account (remember you'll need to use incognito mode or a different browser, to avoid being automatically logged into your "main" institution account).

2. Setting up the audience

If you want to use the Results from any activities, you might want to set up a group which contains all of the student participants.  You can import them as a csv file (see Importing Participants, Teams and Groups), or add them as individuals.  You can set up a group to be self-enrolling (see Self-Enrolling Participants.  Otherwise, of course activities can be set to be accessed using "alias only" instead of id, in which case there is no need to sert up a group at all however the Results data may not be as useful (see Consequences of using Alias logins only)

3. Inviting your students to join as Facilitators in the new institution

The next step is to have your students join the new institution account as facilitators in their own right.  That means they'll be able to create quizzes and run these for access by the audience you prepared for in step 2 above.  

There are two ways to achieve this:

  1. The best way is for you to send them an invitation link.  Click on your Profile button and select "My Institution", then click on "Users" in the institution section on the left margin of the page.  You will note in the main section of the page, an invitation link which you can copy and send to your student group.  Anyone who follows this link and completes the form will be added as Free Facilitators to your institution; OR
  2. You can set your new Facilitators up one by one as new users from the "new user" button on this page; OR
  3. Otherwise, students can go to https://www.xorro.com/free_accounts/new to create their own new institution account, and then request an "institution merge" with your institution account.  That merge request has to be approved by you before it takes effect

Having followed the above steps, you have now created a new institution account independant of your main institution account in Xorro-Q.  You are set up as an Institution Manager in that new institution.  You have invited a number of new Facilitators into the new institution.  These Facilitators can create and run their own activities, and can share their activities with each other if they so wish.  All accounts in this institution have been set up as Free Facilitator accounts and are suibject to the limits of that plan; if this does not suffice for your purposes you may of course purchae plans to enable larger groups or more monthly activity as required.


Categories: Xorro-Q, Facilitators.