Question Scope (in Q-Bank)

In Q-Bank, the Scope is your filter applying to all Q-Bank questions.  The Scope set determines how widely a search for questions will act.  Scope also filters how widely any question saved into Q-Bank is shared with other facilitators.

When saving a question into Q-Bank, a facilitator can determine to what level that question should be shared with other facilitators (ie can be viewed and used by them).  

By default, the Scope is set to "Mine".  When saving a question to Q-Bank, having the Scope set to "Mine" means that question will be viewable and usable only by you. When searching for Questions in Q-Bank, having the Scope set to "Mine" will limit your search to only those questions which you have added to your Q-Bank yourself.

The Scope can be expanded either to "My Institution" or to "Global".  In "My Institution", the Facilitator can view all questions added to Q-Bank by all facilitators in the same institution, where those questions have been shared either "My Institution" scope. 

Similarly, when Scope is set to "Global" a searcher can view and use all questions which have been added to Q-Bank by Facilitators in any Institution, where those questions have been shared at "Global" scope.

It is important to realise that each facilitator can keep questions private by simply leaving their Scope set to "Mine".  If a facilitator sets a question's scope to "global", then that question can be seen and used by facilitators in other institutions if they perform a suitable search with scope set to global.


See also:  Q-BankUsing Q-Bank to Find and Manage QuestionsUsing tags in Q-BankRandom BlockInserting a Random Block of questions into an activityWhat do the terms "Mine", "Institution" and "Global" mean in the Q-Bank sharing and search functions?Question Category (in Q-Bank)Adding new categories to your Q-BankHow can I import quantities of questions into Xorro-Q?

Tags: scope.