When signing up as a Free Facilitator, a new user is asked to identify the organisation for which he or she works (see "How do I get started as a Xorro-Q Facilitator?"
While typing the name of their organsiation, a list of possible institutions is presented. If (instead of creating a new account) the Facilitator selects one of these institutions, then a temporary stand-alone "source" institution account is created, and a merge request is sent to the Institution Managers for the "target" institution account. This allows the new Facilitator to work unimpeded while waiting for the merge request to be approved.
Until an IM from the institution approves the merge request, the new Facilitator's account is not merged into the institution account, so he or she will not have access to shared resources, group lists etc.
Categories: Xorro-Q, Admin / IT, Facilitators.
Tags: merge request.