
Q-Bank is Xorro-Q's bank of questions which is accessed and managed by the Facilitator.  Q-Bank provides a facility for easily storing, organising, finding and sharing questions. 

Q-Bank is used when:

A Facilitator can add questions to Q-Bank, keep his or her questions private, or share questions with others either in the institution or globally.  In Q-Bank,  questions can be tagged to make them easier to find.  They can also be organised into categories and folders.  Although questions are usually created from within an Activity, they can then later be selectively added to Q-Bank, and thus organised for later use.  There is a question editor within Q-Bank that allows questions to be edited without placing them into an activity.


See also:

Using Q-Bank to Find and Manage Questions ..  What do the terms "Mine", "Institution" and "Global" mean in the Q-Bank sharing and search functions? .. How can I import quantities of questions into Xorro-Q? ..  I have imported questions from a third party source (eg a publisher). Can I share these with other facilitators?

Categories: Xorro-Q, Facilitators.
Tags: q-bank,qbank,question bank.