Adding a hyperlink to the Fee Policy text

Sometimes when preparing the message which will introduce a Fee Policy to a participant enrolling in a group, the Facilitator needs to add hyperlinks to explanatory web pages.   This is supported within the fee policy editing form, as follows:

  • Fee Policy editing is accessed through the Participants tab, by selecting the "Manage Fee Policies" button.
  • Choose the Fee Policy which you want to edit (or create a new one).
  • In the message section, enter the text which you wish to appear when a participant applies to enroll in the group.  You can enter HTML code here to invoke a link; Xorro-Q will hide the HTML tags and interpret the code to display it correctly.


In the following example, the red text is the additional HTML code.  Note that this includes the destination page for the hyperlink:

"You are enrolling in the course "Fundamentals of Structures".  Enrolment costs US$9.80.  <a href="">Click here</a> to view the course page."

The above example will present to the participant as follows:

"You are enrolling in the course "Fundamentals of Structures".  Enrolment costs US$9.80.  Click here to view the course page."


Categories: Xorro-Q, Facilitators.
Tags: fee policy,link.