Reporting Participation points, or Scores?

Corro-Q Aactivity Edit formIf you have selected your activity as an 'LTI activity' then it will be available for linking from your LMS.

See: Integrating Xorro-Q with your LMS

This means that Xorro-Q will automatically post data to the LMS to indicate every student's progress.

You can decide whether this data will be based on the student's responses - ie, scoring the responses against pre-determined criteria - or whether to simply report a point every time the student answers a question (ie regardless of whether the answer is "right" or "wrong").  The latter is referred to as "Participation Points" in Xorro-Q.

To select which you want to have posted to the LMS, choose it from the drop-down list under "LTI Report Type", within the Activity Edit form (see right).

Note that both score, and participation points are recorded for the student and can be accessed by the Facilitator from the raw results reports for any activity.  This article concerns which of these is posted to the LMS.






Categories: Xorro-Q, Facilitators.
Tags: LTI.