A simple Sentence Maker activity for your interactive whiteboard or display, using Xorro Workbook / AlphaTeach.
Category: WBook 6: Magic Whiteboarding Tips & Tricks
6.15 Manzana Tips: Everyday Calendar
Video on how to create a calendar for use on an interactive whiteboard or display. Uses Workbook / AlphaTeach.
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6.20 Hide & Reveal
A handy hide and reveal tip demonstrated using Workbook / AlphaTeach.
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6.17 Pull Tabs & Question Tabs
Create and use pull tabs and question tabs to reveal hidden content from behind an image or other resource.
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6.27 Hide & Reveal with Categories
Use hide and reveal methods in Workbook / AlphaTeach to aid categorisation activities
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6.24 Hide & Reveal: Magic Boxes
Use Workbook with hide-and-reveal techniques to create “magic boxes”.
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