The title says it all: How to access and set up your very own copy of the easiest and best whiteboarding software ever!
Category: Workbook Tutorial Videos
Training videos for Workbook
1.01 What Workbook can do
Sped-up impression of activities using Workbook / AlphaTeach 1.8
3.16 Working with Images
So, it’s time to put an image onto your canvas…. manipulate it, change it’s properties etc….
3.18 Creating a Highlighter
How to create a basic highlighter in Xorro Workbook / AlphaTeach
3.02 Saving Workbook Files
Information on saving your workbook file
6.12 Simple Sentence Maker
A simple Sentence Maker activity for your interactive whiteboard or display, using Xorro Workbook / AlphaTeach.
6.15 Manzana Tips: Everyday Calendar
Video on how to create a calendar for use on an interactive whiteboard or display. Uses Workbook / AlphaTeach.
3.08 Working with SMART Notebook files
Workbook (and AlphaTeach) can open files created using SMART Notebook. To find out how to use this functionality, check out this video…..
4.3 Math Tools (Ruler, Protractor, Compass)
Short video introducing the math tools (ruler, protractor, compass) in Workbook/ AlphaTeach.
3.31 Panning in Workbook
Video demonstration on how to use the Panning tool in Workbook / AlphaTeach
3.65 Linking Images
Video demonstrates how you will soon be adding links from any object on your Workbook / AlphaTeach canvas. Links can launch web pages (internal or external browser), or other files on your computer such as slideshows, programs, sounds or videos.
3.15 Formatting Objects
Any object’s properties can be changed instantly in Workbook. Change fill, stroke, opacity, line properties, label properties etc…. Right click on the object and select “properties”, or (once the object is selected) just hit the relevant button the Properties toolbar.
3.26 Importing Pages
Importing all or selected pages from other Workbook files is a very useful way of capturing work done in earlier files, and bringing it into the current Workbook activity.
3.28 Working with Grids
The Grids function lets you display a grid as a background. It’s much more as well however! You can choose from square or isometric grid types, or otherwise apply lined, handwriting or music score templates to your pages. You can also (with square or isometric grids) apply the popular “snap-to” functionality, resulting in perfect alignment of objects to the grid coordinates (whether or not they are visible).