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Tutorial Videos: Xorro Workbook & AlphaTeach

Tutorials on how to get the most out of your Workbook or AlphaTeach whiteboarding software:
1. Getting started with Workbook
2: Finding your way around Workbook
3: Learn the Workbook Basics
4: Tools Talk for Workbook
5: Customising Workbook to work for you
6: Doing the Magic: Whiteboarding Tips & Tricks

1. Getting started with Workbook

So you’re ready to get started? Great!  In case you get stuck, these videos will provide some help around downloading and installing your software.

In case you need more help, also see these articles: What is ‘whiteboarding’, and how does Workbook help? ● Getting Started with Xorro Workbook ● Problems with completing Workbook / Alpha Teach Activation  

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2. Finding your way around Workbook

These videos provide a very quick orientation to Workbook’s layout: your whiteboard “canvas” (or page), page sorter, the various toolbars, the menus, a few of the key tools.

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3. Learn the Workbook Basics

Let’s get you using the software…. These videos show how easy and quick it is for you to start whiteboarding.

Related Help articles: A Blank Canvas: Page properties, dimensions etc in Workbook ● Objects on the Workbook Page: Ink, text, lines, shapes, images, videos, animations, web streams… ● Actions on objects: Moving, resizing (scaling), rotating, changing properties, flipping, stacking, grouping, linking….

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4. Tools Talk for Workbook

So you’ve mastered writing and drawing, lines and shapes…. and you’re ready to discover a few of the tools that make Workbook / AlphaTeach so very powerful….

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5. Customising Workbook to work for you

Setting up well is the key to making Workbook work for you.  Get your icons, buttons and controls sized correctly for your needs: it only takes an instant to do it, and pays big dividends in your enjoyment of our software.  Your whiteboarding context sets you free to think, create, organise and communicate freely. This requires instant, easy access to just the tools and resources that you need.  Setting up your toolbars, and sharing these around your department, wins productivity for everyone and eliminates confusing unwanted clutter from your screens.  Why have it there if you don’t need it?  Learn how to make life easier and more productive in the following videos….

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6. Doing the Magic: Whiteboarding Tips & Tricks

As you will know, it’s not the software that creates a great learning or presenting experience; it’s the facilitation.  These videos just scratch the surface to get you thinking on how you can make your activities more effective for their users or viewers.  The sky really is the limit!  Join the Xorro community to access loads of resources on many subjects prepared by people like you.  We hope that you’ll share your resources with them too!

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