Xorro-Q in 7 Bites |
1. Becoming a Facilitator 2. Get started with Instant Activities 3. Preparing activities |
4. Setting up participants and groups 5. Running your live sessions |
6. Using Q-Bank to find & manage questions 7. Results, dashboards & reports |
7. Accessing your Results, Dashboards and Reports |
Types of Data • Results from Activities • Your Dashboard• Resources • Coming Up Welcome to this, the last chapter, in "7 Bites". We're going to take a look at how data is stored and reported for you in Xorro-Q. Types of data Xorro-Q's immediate and most obvious benefit arises from providing assessment qualities. By making assessments more frequent, lower risk and minimal effort (both for participant and for facilitator) Xorro-Q transforms the learning experience. Once you're comfortable with regular use of Xorro-Q however, the value arising from the data increases dramatically. Xorro-Q is then able to start contributing useful insights into student engagement in class. These insights can assist you to identify early on, students who are disengaged or having problems with the material. The key to successfully addressing such cases is being able to provide timely intervention. Xorro-Q's Institution Dashboards are designed to provide these insights as required. There are several contexts in Xorro-Q in which you will be able to view data: Activity Running Page: While an activity is running you may want to observe Results as these come in... Activity Result: Upon closing an activity, or at any time afterwards, you may want to view a summary analysis for the activity as a whole, or view detailed Results by question or by participant for that activity... Your Dashboard: At any time, you might want to view an Engagement Dashboard which provides comparative participation data for your Groups (or courses). You can drill down from here to access more filtered information, for example specifying time periods, specific groups, or even specific participants. Institution Dashboard: Institution Managers can view a version of the Dashboard which allows them to extend the comparitive data across the entire institution. |
The Activity Running Page Once you've pressed "Run", your activity becomes available to participants. All "Running Activities"are listed on your QF Home Page. You can also see a list of them in the Activities tab, by clicking "Running Activities" in the Filters column on the left hand side of the page. Clicking on a Running Activity link, will open that Activity's "Running Page". If this is a Real-Time activity, there are many functions available to you from this page (note that you could also have reached the Real Time activity's running page through your Q-Launcher). On the other hand, Self-Paced activities do not provide the facilitator with a chance to change questions, or otherwise change the participant experience once the activity has been started. TFor Self-Paced activities, the Running Page is simply asnapshot of the current status of that activity, displaying responses received, progress by the group on each question etc. Until the activity is ended ("finished"), the data remains subject to update with time as participants continue to interact with the activity.
Results from Activities When an activity has finished, it becomes a "Result". A Result is a set of data relating questions asked, participants, and participants' responses for a specific Activity. A Result is not created if there were no responses. Similarly, an Activity does not create a Result until it is ended. You can see a list of recent Results (ie Results from recently finished activities) in a convenient short list on your QF Home Page. You can also see a list of all of your Results through the Activities tab, by clicking "Results" in the Filters column on the left hand side of the page. Clicking on a Result link will open a suite of pages providing information on how the concerned activity has been answered. This includes a Result Summary, and two tabs with more detailed information on how specific questions were answerede by specific participants. The Result Summary displays an overall engagement analysis as well as identifying participants who engaged at below a specified threashold or who did not "attend" the activity (ie did not contribute at all to the Result). The two tabs provide detail views, the first of how each question has been answered by the group as a whole, and the second a matrix of how each participant has answered each question. In the "By Question" tab you can click on the thumbnail image for each question to view an enlarged image of the question result graphic if this is relevant. All Result data can be exported in spreadsheet form.
Your Dashboard Xorro-Q's Engagement Dashboard |
Resources: See the User Manual for the full story; the Quick Reference Guide covers key points in just 2 pages. |
It's a Wrap: This is the last installment in "Xorro-Q in 7 Bites". Don't let that stop you from making contacts with us: If you have any questions, please just ask - we're only an email away, and we are very passionate about maximizing your benefit from Xorro-Q!
Categories: Xorro-Q, Facilitators.
Tags: Statistics.